#16 - Perimenopause starts earlier than you may think

Once postpartum, you are always postpartum. These days, I am seeing more and more women in their perimenopausal era who have a myriad of symptoms and they have been bounced from provider to provider trying to find answers and solutions. These women have joint pain not caused by trauma or have radiographic finding of arthritis, brain fog and sleep deprivation even though they no longer have newborns, and genitourinary symptoms such as painful intercourse and urinary leakage. Most of these women (and sometimes, their doctors) have not put the pieces together that they are simply in perimenopause or menopause and are suffering the effects of estrogen depletion. Perimenopause may start in their early 30s for some women, but the average age is 47.5. It’s not just hot flashes to look out for, there are 35 symptoms associated with the menopause transition.

A recent journal article has come out coining a new term: the musculoskeletal syndrome of menopause. The article provides a summary of approaches women can take and discuss with their doctors in a more informed way. In regards to physical therapy, it also highlights the importance of weight training and exercise to slow the progression of bone loss and muscle strength loss that is so common as we age and lose estrogen. Up to 70% of women may experience these musculoskeletal symptoms such as adhesive capsulitis, gluteal tendonopathy, or back pain. Contact me to discuss your options and complement your wellness plan with physical therapy to help you age gracefully.

Link to the full journal article here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13697137.2024.2380363


#15 DRA- A new recovery framework that makes it less scary