#16 - Perimenopause starts earlier than you may think
Perimenopause starts earlier than you may think and overlapping symptoms might be missed.

#15 DRA- A new recovery framework that makes it less scary
Diastasis recti or DRA happens to some degree in every pregnant belly. Research has given us a new and improved framework to use to recover our mummy tummies. Read on to empower you in your postpartum recovery.

#14 Breathing for Birthing
When the time comes, HOW do you push a baby out? Read on for some guidance.

#13 Bringing Sexy Back
Part of your postpartum recovery might include reconnecting intimately with your partner. When you’re ready, here are some tips!

#12 Achieving “optimal fetal position” before birth
Sitting cross-legged can help open the hips to encourage your baby into an optimal position for birth later on. Click to learn more in my blog!

#11 Your Super SI Joints
Continuing our look at the key joints and what happens during labor, this post looks closer at the sacroiliac (SI) joints.

#10 The amazing pubic symphysis during labor
As you prepare for a smooth delivery, it may be helpful to understand the bones and joints in play. Let’s look at the pubic symphysis and what it can do!

#9 The Maternal Health Crisis
The US has the highest maternal mortality rate compared to other developed countries. We’ve got to do better for our moms.

#8 Why do I need a doula?
Wondering how you’re going to get through childbirth and beyond? Doulas do it all! What’s a doula and why you might consider hiring one.

#7 When can I start exercising?
You are a strong woman and your body is going through a major change, but you can still exercise and have fun! Read on for tips on taking those next steps!

#6 - Pelvic health PT and the internal exam
Do I need an internal pelvic floor exam as part of my physical therapy visit? Read on!

#5- The power of water
Prenatal water exercise was so beneficial for my pregnancies. Here’s how it can help you.

#4 - What’s up with cash pay?
I just spent an hour on hold with my insurance company. Find out what “cash pay” means and why it’s better for patients.

#3 - Oops, I peed myself!
Incontinence is the sometimes funny, but not so fun side effect of pregnancy. How normal is it and what can we do about it? Read on!

#2 - The Fourth Trimester
We all know about and prepare for the 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. But the weeks and months following the birth are so critical, it’s worth preparing yourself for “The Fourth Trimester”.

#1 - The Beginning
I’m so excited to be starting Nest Physical Therapy! Here’s a little bit about why I started it and my goals.